How to setup your e mail accounts in Microsoft Outlook

Just follow the tabs left to right for a simple way to set up your new e mail account in Outlook


Select File /Add Accounts








Type in the e mail address - select advanced and tick let me set up my account manually








Select IMAP account or POP3 as required

We recommend all clients use IMAP **








Add your password as shown below and click connect








You will see the message Account Added







Modifying your server settings - select File - account settings - Server Settings

Note: If you Intend travelling abroad - it is a common practise for some ISPs to block port 25 ( Hence you cannot send mail while outside the UK from Tablets and Phones) . If this is the case - you are better off to choose Port 587 for the Outgoing Server ( SMTP) which is less commonly blocked abroad and also willsend mails with no problems in the UK *

Do not tick the "This server requires and encrypted connection (SSL) as the SSL is applied to the whole of your site already**







Set the incoming mail server to Port 143 ( IMAP )

Dont click on the Require logon using secure password authentication ( see below)







The click on the Outgoing server tab and set up as below







Our server allows the use of various ports




FOR POP ACCOUNTS - we recommend PORT 110 ( incoming ) and PORT 25 or PORT 587 ( outgoing ) with NO SSL SELECTED


FOR IMAP ACCOUNTS - we recommend PORT143 or PORT 993 ( incoming ) and port 465 ( outgoing ) with SSL/TLS





Our preferred choice

Outlook offers a reliable e mail client - which allows you to embed HTML templates and signatures. Widely used as it is supplied with Microsoft Office