Elastic Characters - assembles your message - letter by letter with a dance step in the middle!
Webjectives - websites and so much more.
Use Elastic Words when you text to be animated contains more than 40 or 50 characters.
Webjectives - websites and so much more.
To get a good effect, the containing viewport is set to the page wrapper so the characters appear to be animating from the edges of you window. Imploding Character animations should be limited to no more than 50 or 60 characters. If you require more, then use the Imploding Words or Elastic Words animations.
Webjectives - websites and so much more.
Use Imploding Words when your element contains more than 50 or 60 characters.
Imploding Words have a different effect than Imploding Characters, but it's no less explosive!
Webjectives - websites and so much more.
Webjectives - websites and so much more.
Webjectives - websites and so much more.
Webjectives - websites and so much more.
Webjectives - websites and so much more.
The Typewriter effect can be a cool addition to your page. Typed elements can include bolded text, and even Hyperlinks. We've styled the text in this paragraph to look like a terminal screen, just for effect.